Sunday, April 27, 2008

WT at its finest!

We found this camaro parked up in a bar called paradise park. not sure whats going on here. there is a tv sitting on top of a dryer and a damn trailer up in here too.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

What happens when rednecks drink Jack?

Sounds like a plan for my friend Sister Disco!! Bet she could get a lot of mens!! "You just did Sister Disco; no incest I swear!" 

The Nashville Mansion

ML was our gracious host at her new 5,000 square foot mansion in Franklin, just outside the city. We had our choice of 1 of 5 bedrooms and 24 hour access to the pool!

Life is good. If you're ML.

Our rental car!

$0.00 per day unlimited miles. Oh a full tank of gas was included in the deal. 

Friday, April 25, 2008

Arrived in Nashville

Baggage claim #7 in Nashville. No lie! Should have brought Sister Disco along. She would still be trying to crack a barrel at baggage claim when we depart on Sunday.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

rita jean is on easy street again

thank god she hit the powerball numbers. someone has to support the habits!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

chef merritt